Energy-Efficient HVAC
In 2007 we began working in conjunction with scientists on ways to reduce energy consumption, improve performance and promote the longevity of the mechanical components of HVAC systems. While chemists were building solutions based on lubricants and solvents to address oil fouling issues, engineers and HVAC techs were solving the problems by trying to make the mechanical components operate more efficiently. Our Team, with backgrounds in chemistry and engineering, considered both approaches and something completely unique, when developing a solution through enhanced chemistry, and using technology like variable speed drivers to regulate compressor usage. Variable-speed drives (VSD) are devices that vary the rotational speed of single and three-phase induction or permanent magnet motors. These devices, sometimes called adjustable-frequency drives, or variable-frequency drives take incoming power from the utility and change the frequency before it?s applied to the motor. A variable-speed drive is thus used to reduce the motor speed. As a result, consumed energy is dramatically lower. In some instances, only 12.5 percent of the design power is needed to deliver half the design airflow. This approach has been proven to improve performance, lower maintenance, and reduce energy consumption by HVAC systems, by as much as 20%.
Combined with Candle3?s superior LED products and design engineering, this approach will deliver the best energy savings plan a business can utilize.